Saturday, December 22, 2012


flickr commons...Wader
First Published July 5, 2010

There is a gathering darkness in our nation's capitol. 
Normally darkness is defined as the absence of light, but this darkness goes so much deeper than that, for it is also the absence of morality, a lack of leadership, and an erosion of our very freedom. It is a darkness that can strike fear deep into a person's soul, for this is a darkness that cannot be dispelled by the morning sun. Indeed, every morning we wake to find the problems and dangers have grown ever more frightening, and every night is darker than the night before.

Normally darkness is defined as the absence of light, but this darkness goes so much deeper than that, for it is also the absence of morality, a lack of leadership, and an erosion of our very freedom. It is a darkness that can strike fear deep into a person's soul, for this is a darkness that cannot be dispelled by the morning sun. Indeed, every morning we wake to find the problems and dangers have grown ever more frightening, and every night is darker than the night before.

Crime can fall into many categories. Many are simple, easily defined, and usually punished. Some, far more complex and devious, can cover an extended period of time, exact a toll on many victims and are often never detected and even when they are, they frequently go unpunished. But there is one enormous crime, or if you prefer. an enormous group of crimes that have been going on for generations and only now are they coming to light, and it may be too late to prevent the continuation of this crime spree and little to no chance to punish the perpetrators.

For this I blame the free press.

The founding fathers of this nation left the press with an awesome responsibility and much freedom with which to discharge that responsibility. This great Republic is governed by three branches of government: The Executive, Legislative, and the Judicial, and in addition to these there is yet a fourth, civilian caretaker/watchdog that observes and reports any misdeeds on the part of our political leadership. Our Founders had a healthy mistrust of politicians and so they wrote the Constitution accordingly, anticipating so many members of the press that, were any branch of the Federal Government to get out of line, they would raise a hue and cry to alert the nation of danger.

They were correct. It worked so well for so long but now they have failed to carry out their responsibility but instead have joined forces with two branches of the government and in doing so have basically sold the American public out! Anything that makes Obama look less than godlike is ignored and to watch these press conferences is disgusting. 

The first dog and the White House garden gets more coverage than the failing economy. CBS tip toes quietly not wanting to embarrass the anointed one while ABC has a crew at the White House so much that I've heard that they often walk the dog, and MSNBC is nothing short of sickening.Bush was raked over the coals without mercy but Chris Matthews and that thrill his leg gets is probably just a bladder control problem. In short, serious journalism is virtually non-existent and while Obama leads us into ruin the "journalists" of today broadcast fearful warnings about the tea party terrorists. They have yet to explain the lack of arrests for all of the destruction the tea party is accused of instigating.

At the moment all that stands between freedom and absolute tyranny is five members of the Supreme Court and a handful of brave statesmen and women of Congress and the Senate. From the civilian support team we have Fox News and a few conservative talk show hosts. Even combined they are badly outnumbered and are fighting a rear guard action against the administration's assault on liberty. They are trying to buy time for us, the American public, to regroup and change the odds in this war on freedom. If we are unsuccessful in bringing about drastic change in November "Freedom" will become a politically incorrect term and cease to exist.

Where are our watchdogs of Liberty? Where is that admirable  free press that has stood shoulder to shoulder with American patriots when the going got tough, and often bloody, for 234 years? Where are the Woodwards and Bernsteins when you need them?June 18, 1972 five burglars were caught while in the act of bugging the DNC. Sounds serious! It was! Washington Post reporters Bob Bernstein and Carl Woodward got a grip on the story and they never let up until they brought the President down. Now that was some fine reporting, but then again there is a big difference. Those two gentlemen were professionals who wore their press badges with pride. Professionalism and pride are traits that somehow seems to have vanished  from the press corps of the 21st. Century.

And saddest of all...Watergate was small potatoes!

A simple little botched breaking and entering with the intent to find out the campaign plans of the Democratic party. That was a serious crime back then. Seeing what the current administration is doing I look at Watergate and say "So what?" A petty crime, attempted by amateurs and covered up by men loyal to the President of the United States, who by returning that loyalty was forced to resign his Presidency.

Today we have a man in the office of the President who many strongly believe is not even legally qualified to serve in that high office due to limits in the Constitution. So many American men were killed and maimed in Korea and Viet Nam fighting Communism and today we have a Marxist in the White House busily transforming our country into his vision of a socialist utopia. He along with his major allies Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are laughing at those who cry "Unconstitutional!" They could care less about the Constitution. To this triumvirate it is but an anachronism they calmly disregard.

In order to get her way Nancy Pelosi will pole vault or parachute past the limitations placed on her by the founding fathers. Harry Reid is just an old burnt out second rate politician who needs to be put out to pasture, but Nancy Pelosi is a force to be reckoned with. Many have said that she is the most powerful Speaker of the House in history and there is good reason to believe that they are right. It is probably true! She has had many predecessors who had few qualms about bending their moral code to get results. This gavel wielding tyrant has a major advantage over all who came before.  She has no moral code to bend, for she has no moral code! Her every action would indicate that she is totally amoral. It is apparent that she will use any means necessary to get her way and she usually does get her way, at the expense of the American public.

So with this White House trio of Obama/Pelosi/ Reid and their following of admitted communists, Marxists, Maoists, convicted felons, and diverse czars with some really strange attitudes on how to treat, animals, trees, the unborn and our innocent children, things are changing in the U.S.A....American beliefs and traditions are ignored and even laughed at. Our industries are being nationalized, our economy destroyed, this false global warming theory has been exposed as a money making hoax and still our elected leader wants to spend trillions to counter a non existent threat.

I watched, with contempt,  the golfing scenario as the Gulf was being destroyed. That could simply be incompetence, which he certainly is known for, but I think it something more. I firmly believe that a huge environmental disaster was allowed to occur so Obama could gain more leverage in yet another power grab. He has virtually made Congress superfluous, as every time they disagree he produces another Executive Order. It goes on and on. There is a crime wave taking place in Washington and the news media are complicit. They know full well what is going on and either choose to ignore or actually lie to cover for progressive activities the administration pursues.

I am sure that most in the liberal media have read and memorized Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" as they are certainly doing their part to usher in the grand age of collectivism, but there is one thing that yet puzzles me. If they have studied history at all they should know that anytime an oligarchy sets its self up as the ruling class, one of the first targets on their hit list is the press. They still need the press for propaganda but not such a diversity as we have today. There was no Moscow Post or the St. Petersburg Gazette or the Volga Tribune. There was PRAVDA and they did what they were told to do or they were replaced. So for a lot of you good old boys in the news room, pink slips are a'comin. With those pink slips will be a little red book telling you what good comrades must believe.

One little oddity really bothers me: I recall the press hounding President Bush, who was certainly no angel, but everyone heard so much criticism of his Presidency that they grew weary and wanted change...Which they got, and now many miss Bush. Back to that oddity. The press hated Bush and they cover for Obama's ineptitude, but put it before the American people. After seven years of Bush they wanted change while after a year and a half of Obama they want impeachment. I would suggest that you ladies and gentlemen of the press corps stop and reappraise the situation. It is the public who buys or does not buy your service. It would, in my opinion. be in your best interest to listen to the those who really matter.

There is still time for those of the press to do the right thing. Unless the elections are totally rigged in November we will definitely take down much of Obama's support group and if he is not removed from office for high crimes before 2012 then we will vote him out as well.

Where will the press be?

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