Saturday, December 22, 2012


Benjamin Franklin
Originally published on July 31,2010

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people take away the rights of the other forty-nine." ~ Thomas Jefferson 

In the year 1787 Dr. James McHenry, delegate from the state of Maryland, and Benjamin Franklin were leaving Independence Hall together when they were approached by a woman who asked Ben Franklin what kind of government he was giving them. Later that day Dr. McHenry recorded the lady's question and his friend's answer in his journal, "A republic...if you can keep it." The answer in and of itself posed a challenge, for Ben Franklin knew full well the many pitfalls of of a republic. He also knew it to be the best form of government insofar as individual liberty is concerned, and after having just freed thirteen colonies from the rule of an unjust monarchy, Liberty was the watch word of the day.

It was on April 19, 1775 that the first volley in this country's War of Independence sounded in Lexington, Massachusetts but  it was not until July 4 of the following year that delegates from all thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia and signed the Declaration of Independence. A new nation was born on that day but it would be eight long and bloody years before those delegates could stand before their constituents and tell them that freedom was theirs.

This fledgling nation had much to do and even more to learn. It was on September 17, 1787 that the Constitution of the United States was ratified and to this day it remains the oldest constitution in use by any country in the world. It has served us well and it's been the envy of all mankind almost since its signing. Oddly enough, most Americans don't really know what is in our constitution, and the greatest error that our citizens make is in believing that this nation is supposed to be a democracy while nothing could be farther from the truth.

Essentially democracy is mob rule and no matter how innocently it begins that is always the inevitable end. The primary failing of democratic system is that there is no protection of rights. It is the majority vote that determines everything. A simple example: You own a very large area of land and your neighbors are envious and want it divided into smaller sections and parceled out to them. If such a case is brought to a vote and you did something last month that made you less than popular...Your land is gone! Taken from you by popular vote. You lose everything you have ever worked for to the whims of Democracy.

This "Mob Rule" mentality is exactly what is happening to America today and it is encouraged by the leaders of the Democratic Party. Please note that I said "Leaders." I have many friends who are registered Democrats and were they to have any choice many of todays practices would come to an abrupt end. A perfect example of what I refer to is the welfare state promoted so strongly by President Johnson, reduced by the Republican congress that served under President Clinton, and now is again being encouraged by Barrack Obama. The same holds true for the Amnesty he seeks for millions of illegal immigrants. More votes for him, and more of a burden for America.

It may not sound politically correct but I firmly believe that some people should not have the vote, and that comment just made a lot of my readers angry, but...The mob rule mentality I mentioned. There is only so much wealth in a nation and when there are more taking from the system than putting in you reach the state where Obama is taking us which is Socialism/Communism. I oppose this transition but will follow his lead if anyone can show me one country that has been successful under communism.

So back to voter's rights. No non-productive individual should have the right to vote himself a bigger slice of the pie. There are only so many slices so let's act accordingly. Karl Marx, the sociopathic founder of Marxism/Communism advocated the policy of "From each according to his ability to each according to his need." History has proven this to be a dangerous fallacy in light of the poverty that goes hand in hand with communism, and yet the gullible line up to follow any charismatic leader who advocates this destructive doctrine.

Americans are notoriously generous. Look at all of the peoples of the world we have helped. The problem is we want to help, but we do not want to be forced to help, and anytime a person who is collecting a welfare check votes for the politician who is advocating raising the taxes on the rich...That is force! Karl Marx had his thoughts...this is mine:

Any person who consumes more than he or she produces should not vote!

Nor should politicians be able to vote themselves an increase in pay or benefits. An example of that abuse is right now we are going through a serious recession made worse by the ineptitude of the Obama administration. When the nation could least afford it,  government workers, the Congress and Senate were given a raise in pay. How about those in the private sector that pay the bills? They received no raise, and many totally lost their source of income under Obama. Senior citizens who are living at or near the poverty level received no increase at all and with the new healthcare laws they will lose even more.-

The following is the basic pay structure of our elected leaders...Ask yourself if they need a raise.

The pay for a rank and file member of the house or senate is $174,000.00 a year; For Majority and Minority party leaders $193,400.00, and the Speaker if the house has to survive on a paltry $223,500.00.

Naturally if they want to take a trip to Hawaii on a "Fact finding mission" it is paid for by the American public and if you think that Nancy Pelosi is getting paid a lot of money to do so much damage to this country, factor in the fact that we provide a private jet to fly her to San Francisco on the weekends...At your expense of course.

I firmly believe that the pay and benefits of our elected leaders should be on the ballot at the voting booth and Americans will know what they are paying for and how much. And this should apply on all who serve in the political arena, whether federal, state or local government.

Fox news reports that in Southern California, Bell City Manager Robert Rizzo is making almost $800,000.00 per year, considerably more than Obama is paid. The Police Chief in the same city is paid $457,000.00 and the Assistant City Manager is collecting $373,000.00. Combined pay for the three exceeds one a a half MILLION dollars per year. Bell has a population of only 37,000 to bear the burden of such expenses. Now tack on all of the other operating costs that goes along with funding any town and you probably would not want to live in Bell, California.

In general I supported most of President Bush's foreign policy program but his administration provided one of the best examples yet of democracy run amuck. One laughable event occurred that must have proven very embarrassing to the head of state. He always was a strong advocate of democracy but when the Palestinians had a democratic election they elected the terrorist group HAMAS to lead them. Bad day for Bush. Even the worst events make some people happy. The Bush bashers loved it.

A republic is the most rational form of government to protect the rights of the individual. It is not a popular vote but an established law that will determine the course of events when a dispute arises. The phrase "A nation of laws, not of men" is the ultimate triumph of the republican form of government.

John Adams will most certainly never be nominated for sainthood but it can be argued that his concept of a nation of laws is the primary reason this country has done so well for so long. No President ever had to be removed from office when their term or terms were at an end. None has ever clung to power and refused to step aside. The one debatable exception would be Franklin Delano Roosevelt and a powerful mitigating factor there was World War ll. Immediately after his death though, the process began to make quite sure that no one would ever again be in office for so long. Two terms and it is time to step aside. The entrenched power in today's Congress and Senate now has many Americans clamouring for term limits there as well.

Today the Republic has come under a new type of assault. The current regime seems as though they are not planning to ever step aside as millions of Americans are fearful that we may have elected a radical who is trying to totally "transform" the country in his words. At the writing of this he has managed to seat a far left Soto Mayor to the Supreme Court and now Republicans are trying to block his next choice, a far far left candidate with almost no legal background. The only qualification...she agrees with him that we no longer have any use for the constitution and she is his attorney in the birth certificate proceedings.

A word of warning to all: Should Obama succeed in trashing the Constitution your status will immediately change from freedom to serfdom. That Constitution, quite literally, is all that stands between us and another Dark Age.  You think that an exaggeration? It is not! We have for generations set the standards for the ideal for all mankind. It is we who fed and protected the world through the last century. imagine what the world would be like had we stood idly by allowing aggressors and disasters to ravage the rest of the world. America kept the world fairly stable in the 20th century. If Obama has his way and eliminates our Constitution then none will want to witness the rest of the 21st century.

To those who so eagerly stand ready to serve Obama in his quest for power I give these words of warning: He is, without a doubt, trying to establish an oligarchy, and all who follow him should look to history. An oligarchy may go on and on, but so many of its ardent supporter fall into disfavor and are "purged." Should he acquire the power you are helping him to gain, your day will come. When people such as he gain total power there is always a process whereby the "disloyal" are sacrificed. Such government never works and in failure new scapegoats must be found. One morning it just might be you!

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