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Judas Goat serving his master |
First published on July 21,2011
SHEEPLE ... Web definitions:
Sheeple (A portmanteau of "Sheep" and "People") is a form of disparagement where people are likened to sheep.
Sheeple (Plural only) Noun: (derogatory slang) People who unquestionably accept as true whatever their political leaders say or adopt popular opinion as their own without scrutiny.
English is such a colorful and evolving language. As society changes and we feel the need for a term to define that change, almost miraculously, a new word or phrase appears, such as "In the box" meaning thinking like everyone else. Naturally, along with this had to come, "Out of the box" for non-sheeple people. Certainly one of the most colorful changes to appear in our lexicon in recent years is "Thrown under the bus." Our progressive leaders have no qualms about throwing any and all of us "Under the bus" and since they exert control over mass transit, they make certain that there are a lot of buses out there.
One of those terms that is so descriptive and has withstood the test of time is "Judas Goat." Above is an image of a Judas Goat hard at work serving his master and betraying those he leads. His purpose is to mingle with the sheep, gain their confidence, lead them to the door of the slaughter house, and then step aside as they walk mindlessly to their destruction ... Kind of like what Obama is doing to Americans!
At least since the end of World War ll, the American President has had the distinction of being the most powerful man in the world. Barrack Obama has put an end to that tradition in that he has to answer to one higher up the food chain ... George Soros. One might ask how any man in a position of such power has to be subservient to anyone, but the answer is simple. Obama is not a leader! We can trace much of his activity back to just prior to his entering the political arena, but before that, events grow murky, facts are distorted and documents modified or hidden. Someone with far more power and intelligence that he possesses has deliberately hidden the truth and replaced it with smoke and mirrors. What we can be certain of is that he was groomed for the position he now holds, and that his continued existence is totally dependent upon following orders.
George Soros is the current puppet master but that is a position he inherited. The molding of a pseudo President predates Soros and harkens back to the time when Obama was a member of the New Party in Chicago. They, the leadership of the Progressive movement, saw a bright young man possessing political aspirations and no morality to get in the way of their bidding, and thus a star was born. Never a leader and always always avoiding responsibility, Obama was forever straddling the fence while voting "Present" instead of showing the decisiveness to cast an up or down vote. He was a man devoid of both a moral code and courage.
His two most outstanding attributes were his Narcissism, which his groomers took advantage of, and his ability to speak, the weapon of choice to be used on the American people. Since the end of the Second World War we, as a nation, have had to deal with the Cold War, the Korean Conflict, the Cuban Crisis, Viet Nam, recurring problems with the world of Islam and terrorism, an ongoing war in Afghanistan, Iraq on two occasions, one of them yet to be resolved, numerous peace keeping missions and the assault of 911. None of these have been small problems and yet since 1945 this nation has never faced such danger as we do today, and those dangers loom before us as we stand helpless without any effective leadership. Even worse than that is the fact that the "leader" we do have appears to have pledged his loyalties to the enemies of America. This Narcissist, this clay in the hands of a puppet master, this man who hates all that is American is, This Obama is all that stands between us and the Third World War, and all indications point to the fact that he is looking forward to the next holocaust.
I have often heard, and firmly believe in the statement that you can judge a man by the company he keeps. That leads me to judge harshly the man who occupies the White House. I could begin a list of communists, Marxists, Maoists, terrorists, criminals, corrupt business officials, corrupt politicians, communist union officials. sexual deviants, far left progressives, New World Order advocates, wannabee Emperors, and Islamic leaders who boldly proclaim their goal to be the destruction of this nation. It would take but very little research and a lot of typing to put together such a list, but it would be a fruitless endeavor as most who will read this are aware of his dangerous affiliations, and the list would be so long that, due to boredom, none would finish reading it. This man is unfit for office! He should be wearing brightly colored coverall, living in a small cell and having a Qur'an for reading material. Oh, I forgot to mention that he should have an inmate number and a name on those coveralls. The name is a problem, at present, as he has used so many in his sordid past that no one is quite sure who he really is.
At the writing of this essay, Israel still stands intact ... in grave danger but intact. Most Americans are still unaware of the dangers we face, and few would even consider that we are already in the early stages of World War lll, but then, few know anything more than the MSM tells them on the Six O'clock news and even fewer really know Obama.
Most, at one time or another has heard of Code Pink. Most simply associate them as anti-war, but the fact of the matter is that they are anti-everything American, anti-Israel, anti-military and good friends to Barrack Hussein Obama. This red link is to a video that shows them urging him to dump our alliance with the State of Israel. and this one is to their affiliations with our enemies in the Middle East, and also how they raised campaign funds for Obama. The man who resides in the Oval Office is quite a fan of Jodie Evans of Code Pink and often has her as a guest in the White House, while if justice were done she would be sentenced to the nearest federal prison.
Now for a correction. An astute reader informed me that the Code Pink photo above is photo shopped. I can see no reason for any fair minded person to ever have to resort to untruths. The left does so much that we need not lie to expose them. I and others have seen the doctored photo above and I shall leave it in place with a correction, that in the future they will know and spread the truth about this FORGERY. This is the actual photo before other Code Pink detractors decided that impact is more important than truth.
However...This image was most definitely not photoshopped and is part of the effort to denounce Israel.
Being the Narcissist that he is, he must love standing in front of a mirror admiring himself, but if he ever takes the time to look really close into that reflection he will behold a pathetic, poor excuse for a man. There before him is the image of a creature so full of anger and hatred for all that is right in the world. Under the right circumstances he could have been a decent human being, using his oratory skills for the betterment of mankind. Instead his youthful brain was twisted and distorted by a Socialist father and a communist sympathizing mother and grand parents. Add to this horror his communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis. Then factor in the indoctrination he received at the hands of his Muslim teachers in Indonesia. This completed the scenario and the die was cast.
Come the day of his inauguration he was probably the happiest man alive, on the worst day of his life, for he was now expected to lead a great nation and he is totally incapable of doing so.
He now has but one purpose, and that is to fulfill his role as the Judas Goat, and lead unsuspecting Americans to the slaughter, and all of the world to war.
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