While I certainly do not agree with his political outlook, I must applaud Thomas Mann for the wisdom of this memorable observation. Using his words as a standard by which to judge a culture we can easily identify many criminals among us. They are the politically correct!
If you are not a member of this elite group then you probably have been labeled racist, bigot, intolerant, radical, activist, right wing terrorist, tea bagger, the list is long and memorable and many of us wear it with pride. A man who was elected to lead this great nation looks down on us as a despotic king would look down upon a lowly peasant.
For the record, I would have far more respect for any honest peasant than for any of those who live the spineless existence of the politically correct, or for that matter, of a despotic king.
In the streets and homes of America there is a growing restlessness, or perhaps the better choice of words would be anger. So many fell victim to the Pied Piper and his promises of the "Hope and Change". Much has indeed changed, to the point that many of our citizens are losing hope and can no longer expect better tomorrows.
Oddly enough, the man who manged to turn a recession into a depression in just a little over a year wants us to have faith in him and his Marxist government, and their ability to renew the economy. That does prove difficult when daily announcements that the nation's financial condition is improving are printed right beside the news that another half million people joined the ranks of the unemployed this week.
One other thing that really bothers him about Americans is our "intolerance" of others. The multiculturalism that he advocates will surely destroy America if we allow it to proceed. Two cultures cannot co-exist in the same space, especially when the stated goal of one is eradicate all others and be the only culture in the world.
If what Obama is doing to this country were not so pathetic and dangerous it would be laughable. From the very beginning of his reign he started apologizing for our behavior. That is one of those funny/pathetic things that shows how much he really knows about our country. He has lived here for many years but does not seem comfortable with the ways of Americans.
As he stood offering up those unwarranted apologies he ignored the fact that Europe is covered with cemeteries filled with so many thousands of Americans who gave their lives freeing the people of Europe. We have nothing to apologize for and every real American knows that.
In his Cairo speech he informed the world that America is not a Christian country and he would have to say it is a Muslim country. We are not a Muslim country. We do not want to be a Muslim country. Muslims are well known for the ruthless violence they are spreading around the world. Christians are known to be far more passive and caring of their fellow man, but let me give just one thought to any Muslim who may be reading this:
Don't get those Christians really mad. It was they, and the Jews who put an end to the aspirations of Adolph Hitler, and then rebuilt Germany. Muslims have not shown kindness to their enemies since the time of Salidan, and that was in the twelfth century.
Now Obama and his progressive minions are on the "Tolerance" kick! That is another of those funny/pathetic qualities that he brought to the White House. Americans are, and have always been, the most tolerant people on Earth. The reason that we are so tolerant is because Europe, Asia, and Africa were not.
The first colonists arriving here from Europe were escaping religious persecution. All who came here were looking for something that they could not find in their native country and they found it. It was freedom. They grew used to being free, and we, their dependents are now planning to give it up.
This love of being free was passed on to their descendants and when independence had been achieved, that love of freedom was written down and guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States. The same Constitution that Obama thinks is so badly "flawed."
That it has flaws I must agree. Everything does, but I feel that the biggest flaw in that whole wonderful document is that it requires a President to be a natural born American, but does not require him to prove it. I hope that our leaders address the issue before the 2012 elections.
It would be terrible to have someone in office who is ineligible under our flawed Constitution. I fear that such a person might have no loyalty to this nation and in fact may enter office with the intent of doing harm to our homeland.
A lack of tolerance is not one of the flaws of our Constitution, in fact it guarantees tolerance. We are guaranteed the freedom of religion. Many countries are not. Unless they have started building churches, the last count of any church in Mecca or Medina was zero. That flawed document also guarantees us the freedom of speech, while saying the wrong thing in an Islamic country will result in having your tongue cut out.
That flawed bunch of old parchment also guarantees us the pursuit of happiness. It does not guarantee that we will be happy but it will not stand in your way unless harming someone else is what makes you happy. Happiness is a very illusive condition, especially if you live in a country that practices Sharia Law.
We, as Americans, have our own opinions about what is right and what is wrong. Anyone immigrating to our country should understand that we expect them to fit in. They should never claim the right to expect us to accept their behavior no matter how foul or evil it is.
The Ayatollah Khomeini. in describing the proper attitude for a Muslim. said "An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam." That is not to say they do not have some freedoms that we do not. They are allowed to express an affection for their livestock in ways that would be totally unacceptable in America. He also was quoted as giving the following instructions to fellow Muslims:
"A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however selling the meat to the next door village should be fine."
So it is apparent that there are differences in the two cultures and at the proper time one should be tolerant, but if your cow is missing and someone is wanting to sell you some beef, you just might be feeling a little less than comfortable; certainly not in a mood to be overly tolerant of some very perverse behavior on the part of those to whom we offer sanctuary.
For the last two hundred years the immigrants from many nations have been arriving here, learning our ways, embracing our culture and becoming Americans, but now something has changed. Now we have elected a man to high office who does not understand nor care about the people of this nation. He was raised in a Muslim culture where it is common practice to stone a woman to death, or to hang a homosexual, or murder a daughter who wants to choose her own husband.
These practices may be considered normal by Barrack Obama and his Muslim friends but they are not normal for Americans. We have certain standards and it was on these standards that our laws were written. We feel justified in expecting anyone who chooses to immigrate to our nation to respect our standards, obey our laws, and keep their feet off of the American flag.
I am not being politically correct, but I am sure that I speak for over one hundred million Americans with this message: "If you will not show us these courtesies then we do not want you in our country!" Let me further add that at the moment those of you who do disrespect and threaten our way of life...this is not going to last.
There are many Americans who voted for this man and have realized the error of their ways have now joined those of us who are going to take this country back. We are changing leadership, and and when we do the immigration policies are going to change. Those with aspirations for political office are being informed at this moment that "We have had enough!"
We chose to give Barrack Obama temporary employment. He hopes to make it permanent and to transform us into Islamic Marxists. We will not be transformed! Furthermore, when we manage to get him out of the White House we will not be content to just let the USA go back to what it had become. Barrack Obama has done so much damage to this country that many in Washington will go to prison for their crimes, and the country will go back to what it was designed to be.
That is the land of the free...not the home of the tolerant.
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