Originally published August 26, 2010
In my opinion the greatest play ever written was "Cyrano de Bergerac" by Edmond Rostand, To those unfamiliar with this great work, you may recognize one famous attribute of the man: An extremely large nose! The ungainly ornament Cyrano followed into a room was his only shame, for there was none in the way he lived his life. This dashing Frenchman of the seventeenth century was a poet, a playwright, a soldier, a famed swordsman, a leader of men, and a hopeless romantic. He spent his life alone, never revealing the heart wrenching love he felt for his cousin Roxanne. To him, she was the most beautiful woman in the world, and he the ugliest man. Sadly, it was not until he lay dying that she learned of the boundless love he had kept hidden from her, a love she never had a chance to share.
What, you may be wandering, does this have to do with America, 2010 when all around us seems to be falling apart. Quite simply, it has everything to do with the crisis we face today. Cyrano was a man of honor, never veering left nor right from the path of integrity. One such as he would be crushed underfoot in today's world. This man with the noble spirit was regarded a hero by his peers, yet today he would probably be sleeping beneath a bridge using a cardboard box for shelter. A man of such integrity would not fit in. His concepts of right and wrong would not find favor in a society growing more corrupt with each passing year.
This, is what Cyrano has to do with 2010. We have lost our way and much could we learn from one so noble. This column I write was inspired by the hat he wore, for on it was a white plume, the symbol of the simplistic virtues that guided this man. His dedication to honor was such that it shaped his life and made easy the choice between right and wrong. So it was with him through life, until dying and delirious from a head wound, he drew sword and in his failing mind he fought and vanquished all of the evils in this world. Then with sword in one hand and his white plumed hat in the other he died a happy man, finally cradled in the arms of the woman he had so desperately loved all his life in silence.
Some would say that chivalry is dead and people like Cyrano no longer exist, but they are mistaken. They do still exist! Integrity is not extinct! It is just not politically correct in modern day Washington. We are in dire need of honorable leaders today. Seek out such people, support them, elect them and send them and a message to our nation's capital. Send their kin to the capitals of all the states. We as Americans must arm ourselves with ballots, replace our politicians with statesmen and stateswomen, and usher in a rebirth of liberty. Without such a renewal of leadership, America as we knows it will soon perish.
The greatest gathering of dedication, wisdom, and honor this world has ever known took place during the founding days of our country. Many such men were involved in the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War, and the signing of the Constitution. There were yet more to be found on both sides of the conflict we call the Civil War. The "Greatest Generation" produced still another outpouring of such heroes and kept America strong and proud. Where are today's people of this caliber? Have we relegated such men and women and their lofty ideals to ignoble oblivion? If so, then we will soon join them.
Today we face an event equally as important and dangerous as any Americans have ever encountered and only a select few have surfaced with the courage and determination to do what must be done. We need more than a few if we are to influence the direction this country takes. Our President promised change and transformation. Most Americans did not comprehend his true meaning but they are learning. Today Barrack Obama is trying to lead us down the road to socialism, a road is littered with the corpses of mankind and the wreckage of nations. Here in the eleventh hour we stand at a crossroads. Which road we follow will determine the future of our descendants. Will we sell them out for a few temporary entitlements from the Socialist Sates of America or will men and women unite under a common cause and a proud flag and demand a new era of honest government?
What would our nation's capital do today with men such as Washington, Adams, Jefferson or kindly old Ben Franklin. They, in pledging their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, gave us a republic. Today I fear they would weep if they could but see the heartless damage we have inflicted on their prodigy. Oh how the mighty have fallen! This refers not to these great men....That observation is about us.
A short time ago Nancy Pelosi was asked which part of the Constitution would allow the health bill to be passed. "You can't be serious" was her arrogant reply followed by a little laugh. These words that will live in infamy were uttered by a creature unfit to shine George Washington's boots. Her words should be written on a restroom wall, but never, ever, should they be said on ground hallowed by the sacrifices of our Founders.
Here in the 21st century we no longer speak as they did while this nation was giving birth to liberty. The people who risked their all for freedom used words with such power and depth of meaning that none could say something was taken out of context. Armed with quill, ink and parchment they left little or no room for any misunderstanding. What they penned, they meant, and behind those words there seems to have been a strength of character that somehow we lack. Listen, if you will, for the next time the word "Honor" is used in conversation by our leaders. Note the date, write it on your calender and save it for the history books. Today honor is a rare attribute among those who feel qualified to legislate our morality. That, my friends, is political irony at its very, very best!
Since the advent of the industrial revolution this country has not only stood apart, it has stood aloof, from the rest of the world. What had started as thirteen audacious, little, backward, colonies surged forward as an economic leader with a moral imperative to make the world a better place for all.. This was accomplished because of the four pages of wisdom we call the Constitution. Freedoms guaranteed within this document allowed Americans to pursue their dreams and reap the rewards of success or, on occasion, lose all to failure.
Freedom led to dreams and those dreams led to inventions. Inventions in turn led to a higher standard of living for everyone. American visionarys , both great and small, laid the foundation of our Republic. Their unfettered aspirations provided the bedrock for a mighty and benevolent nation. The hard work, courage, and sacrifice brought a better way of life to every new generation. Freedom was what made it all possible, and with the bold ideas of free men we transformed mankind's reality as the world looked on in awe.
These are things that fulfill mankind's destiny: Freedom, hope, aspiration, planning, building, and never conceding that something could possibly be beyond our grasp. Such vision has conquered mighty rivers, taming them with concrete and steel, providing electricity for America and controlling our water supply. Such strength, determination and a willingness to sacrifice saved the world from oppression in World War II and then took us to the Moon.
Today our highest elected official tells the world that America's hopes, aspirations, and dreams are for naught and that we are no more exceptional than France, Greece, or Kenya. A REAL President by name of John F Kennedy gave us the Moon. Barrack Hussein Obama's is taking it away. Think back a few years when we were all singing, "Proud To Be An American." Today we have put a man in office who brings shame to our shores with every apology he extends to those we have saved. Sixty six years ago my father survived the carnage of Omaha Beach and on the day hell freezes over I will apologize to the Europeans for America's behavior. Until that day I shall have no respect for anyone who does.
This is but a very small portion of the American graveyard at Normandy France. It is but one of many such sites scattered across Europe. They were buried close to where they fell in the liberation of Europe.
I had meant for the above picture to be the end of this narrative but in truth it can never end until Obama is evicted from the White House. Above I wrote that it is our battle now. The following is but another skirmish in the ObamaNation.
Already under increasing fire for his handling of an oil spill that many experts now say will be the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, President Barack Obama is riling conservatives and veterans with his decision to skip the traditional Memorial Day ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery.
The above added on 04-26-10
I repeat with vigor: It is our battle now. He can forget them. I cannot, nor will I forget him and what he is.
I knew that I would be back! The Scumball in Chief just seems hell bent on stomping everything Americans hold sacred.
Today is June 6...D Day
The president and first lady had a very pleasant time at the Ford theater.
I cannot help but wander if he bothered to spend one second thinking about all of the American blood spilled on Omaha Beach 66 years ago today.
It remains our battle, The man belongs in prison.
Nice tuxedo. I want to see him in prison coveralls.
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