Wednesday, October 30, 2013


September 4, 2010
"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil."
While I certainly do not agree with his political outlook, I must applaud Thomas Mann for the wisdom of this memorable observation. Using his words as a standard by which to judge a culture we can easily identify many criminals among us. They are the politically correct! 
If you are not a member of this elite group then you probably have been labeled racist, bigot, intolerant, radical, activist, right wing terrorist, tea bagger, the list is long and memorable and many of us wear it with pride. A man who was elected to lead this great nation looks down on us as a despotic king would look down upon a lowly peasant.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


First published December 20, 2011

In my much younger days, there was an expression that simply stated "It's a man's world"  and in many ways it was. There were better job opportunities for men. The family bread winner was traditionally a man. You could usually assume that when a man and woman performed the same work, the man earned more money than his female counterpart. In those days even the military enforced this dichotomy, men on one side of the line, women on the other. The "Man's World" concept was further reinforced by statues we carved to honor great men who had led and served our Republic. Today we look back on those quaint old days when indeed it was a man's world. Thankfully that phrase is no longer in use, due primarily to the fact that it is no longer a reality. Most of our statues and memorials still honor men but that too will change in time.


First published December 4, 2011

I have read so many posts from friends about being Secure or Non Secure at certain sites. There is a wide spread belief that as long as you have the green lock and https at the top of your window you are secure. Many are also concerned that forum sites are not secure. Let it be known by all that "Secure" is an illusion designed to lull you into a false sense of privacy. I have long said that absolute privacy does not exist on the internet. Here is the proof:

Saturday, December 22, 2012


First published on January 14,2012

There is not a person, a group, or nation that has not committed acts they regret, and In 20/20 hindsight, would change those acts if it were possible. The people of Germany today regret the actions of their forefathers as they followed Hitler, and those regrets make them a better, not a lesser, people. Today's citizens of Japan, looking back, surely would have found a better way than Pearl Harbor to resolve their differences with America.


First published on September 15, 2010

An evil creeps across the face of our planet like a sullen death descending upon a field of blood after a great and mournful battle. It is a strange malignancy that claims to be guided, and rewarded, by powers from above, and yet this beastly apparition shows no more concern for those who follow than who those who stand in the way of its hideous passage. It claims the sanctity of religion yet reaches not for any nobility of spirit.


Originally published September 28, 2010.

Are you happy with current conditions? Do you know anyone who is? Do you know how we came to be in such dire straits" The present and future can be revealed by studying the past. Take a brief step with me into the pages of history and there you will find a great reveal:          

A most unusual monument; known as the "Boot Monument" stands in Saratoga National Historical Park near Albany New York. The dedication is on the rear of the monument and is as cryptic as the odd image on the front. It says: In memory of the "Most brilliant soldier" of the Continental Army who was desperately wounded on this spot the sally port of BORGOYNES GREAT WESTERN REDOUBT 7th. October 1777 winning for his countrymen the decisive battle of the American Revolution and for himself the rank of Major General.


Benjamin Franklin
Originally published on July 31,2010

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people take away the rights of the other forty-nine." ~ Thomas Jefferson 

In the year 1787 Dr. James McHenry, delegate from the state of Maryland, and Benjamin Franklin were leaving Independence Hall together when they were approached by a woman who asked Ben Franklin what kind of government he was giving them. Later that day Dr. McHenry recorded the lady's question and his friend's answer in his journal, "A republic...if you can keep it." The answer in and of itself posed a challenge, for Ben Franklin knew full well the many pitfalls of of a republic. He also knew it to be the best form of government insofar as individual liberty is concerned, and after having just freed thirteen colonies from the rule of an unjust monarchy, Liberty was the watch word of the day.